Name: Anita Blake Partner: Ted Forrester ID: 014916 ID: 642708 Sec: Yan T 2:30 Sec: Artemov R 1:25 Date: Feb 1, 2000 Project 1: A New Hope > 1. What should you do about exam conflicts? Contact Laurie Buck two weeks in advance. > 2. What are 3 reasons to pick up graded work? Reason 1: Verify that points are correctly added and recorded. Reason 2: See what mistakes were made and learn from them. Reason 3: Read program grading guides to learn pitfalls to avoid. > 3. Which is the only public lab with CS100 consultants? Carpenter lab, in the basement of the Carpenter Hall (Engineering Library). > 4. What is the process for submitting regrade requests? > Include the time limit. Within a week after graded work is returned, go to Carpenter, get and fill out a regrade request form, and physically hand to a consultant the form stapled to your work. > 5. Describe the differences between the programming projects and > exercises. Projects are larger. Since exercises are shorter, their due dates tend to be shorter, and there tends to be more of them. > 6. Where and when are the review sessions for exams scheduled? Baker 200, 3-5pm, each Sunday immediately preceding an exam. > 7. When is Prelim 1? Tues 2/15, 7:30pm. > 8. If you get 3/4/0, 4/4/0, and 5/2/0 on the first 3 programming > projects, what is your maximum project score for the entire > course? The total score for the first 3 is 3+4 + 4+4 + 5+2 = 22. Perfect scores for the remaining 4 would contribute another 40 points. Since 22+40 = 62 is above 55, the number required for a perfect score, the maximum project score is all 20 out of a possible 20 points. [There would also be 62-55 = 7 bonus points, recorded separately.] > 9. Suppose you get 100, 90, 80, and 70 on Prelims 1, 2, 3, and > the Final, respectively, and perfect exercise and project > scores. Compute your raw numerical score for CS100 this > semester. Since the final is the lowest score, it is worth only 20 points, not 30. Therefore, the grade formula yields 10 + 20 + .1*100 + .2*90 + .2*80 + .2*70 = 30 + 10 + 18 + 16 + 14 = 88. > 10. Given a choice between receiving 80 core and 3 bonus points versus > 83 core and no bonus points, which do you feel is most beneficial? 83 core points is better: Bonus points are worth much less than core points. > 11. State five options for obtaining an answer to question you > might have during CS100 this semester. Option 1: Course website. Option 2: Course newsgroup. Option 3: Consultants in Carpenter. Option 4: Office hours (of instructor, recitation instructor, or TA). Option 5: Tutoring appointment (with recitation instructor or TA). > 12. What is the difference between tutoring appointments and open > office hours, and how do you schedule tutoring appointments? > As part of your answer, explain if you are allowed to go to > tutoring appointments in a group. Open: anyone can just go and walk-in -- public. Tutoring: must sign-up at least 24 hours in advance -- private, but groups are allowed by mutual consent of people in the group. > 13. What material are you tested on? e.g. lecture? reading? Lecture, section, exercises, projects, past exams, explicitly designated reading assignments > 14. For e-mail/newsgroup posts, which of the following must you > do, and which must you not do? Choose from the following list: > MIME, HTML, put new text at the top, delete unneeded quoted > material, use auto-wrap. Do not do any of the following: use MIME, use HTML, put new text at top, use auto-wrap. Do: delete unneeded quoted material. (Interleave new text after the relevant quoted text.) > 15. If your partner on a particular project receives a penalty for not > following academic integrity, are you subject to the same penalty? Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Anita Blake Partner: Ted Forrester // ID: 014916 ID: 642708 // Sec: Yan T 2:30 Sec: Artemov R 1:25 // Date: Feb 1, 2000 // Project 1: A New Hope public class project1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world!"); System.out.println ("I am now calculating something irrelevant, but interesting."); // compute the number secondsPerYear of seconds in one year int daysPerYear; int hoursPerDay; int minutesPerHour; int secondsPerMinute; int secondsPerYear; daysPerYear = 365; hoursPerDay = 24; minutesPerHour = 60; secondsPerMinute = 60; secondsPerYear = daysPerYear * hoursPerDay * minutesPerHour * secondsPerMinute; // compute and print percent error of pi x 1e7 seconds from one year System.out.print("The percent error of pi x 10 million seconds" +"from 1 year is "); System.out.println (100 * (Math.PI * 10000000 - secondsPerYear) / secondsPerYear); System.out.println("I am done."); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample output: Hello, world! I am now calculating something irrelevant, but interesting. The percent error of pi x 10 million seconds from 1 year is -0.3807504569446571 I am done.