CS100, Spring 2000, Project 7 Revisiting Project 6 See the Project 6 Milestones for more details and test data. ======================================================================= Milestone 2, Revisited: Transform ======================================================================= Write a Matlab function TRANSFORM(TOP, BOTTOM, TEXT) which returns a String obtained by transforming a String TEXT according to the key with top line TOP and bottom line BOTTOM. TOP and BOTTOM are both Strings. (It does not matter whether the key is an encryption key or a decryption key.) Conciseness counts. Try to avoid loops. ======================================================================= Milestone 3, Revisited: Tally ======================================================================= Write a Matlab function TALLY(TEXT) that takes the String TEXT and returns the following variables: + TOTAL: the number of unigrams (same as the number of bigrams) + UNIGRAM: one-dimensional array of unigram frequencies as fractions + BIGRAM: two-diemnsional array of bigram frequencies as fractions HINT: Start off returning tallies and compare with your results from Project 6. When that is working, divide the tallies by TOTAL to get fractions. Conciseness counts. Try to avoid loops.