CS100, Spring 2000, Exercise 7: Deja Tue Due in lecture Tuesday, April 25 Concept: Matlab Partly redo Milestones 4 and 5 of Project 6 in Matlab. Each of the following *must* be done with one statement on one line of code. To help us follow your code, do not suppress output. % create $table2$ % create $table3$ % create $table4$ % assign to $table1$ the row vector of column sums of table2 % assign to $table5$ the column vector of row sums of table3 % assign to $dist$ the distance between table3 and table4 % modify table2: swap columns 2 and 5 of table2 Hints: + use transposition and/or call up help on $sum$ + recall: Matlab is 1-relative: matlab columns 2 and 5 are java columns 1 and 4 Hand in your Matlab code and resulting output. Please make sure your output is easy to match up with your code.