CS100 Exercise 2 Due 2/8/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trace the following loop, using the format shown in lecture: + Each assignment statement gets its own column. + Draw a long/heavy line each time the loop guard is tested. (You may try (modifying and) running this code to verify your answer, but you really should do it by hand *first* to get the practice.) int t; int s; int triangle; t = 5; s = 5; while (s<10 && t<10) { triangle = t * (t + 1) / 2; if (triangle == s*s) { System.out.println (t + "-triangle " + triangle + " == " + s + "-square " + s*s); t = t + 1; s = s + 1; } else if (triangle < s*s) t = t + 1; else s = s + 1; }