Perl Hints

 ***** UPDATED 9/8/01 *****


    Here's a sample assignment, complete with solution, ( that we have created to help you get familiar with the basics of Perl. Although Perl can be used for anything and everything under the sun, this sample focuses on the tasks that are most pertinent for our class.   The code can be viewed in a standard text editor.   

    I have added a few links. These are much better than the older links. They are more concise. Google is also a good place to pick up information about Perl.


Some useful links:

1. Download Perl (

Installation Notes:

IndigoPerl requires a minimum of setup.  It is ready to run as soon as it is unzipped.  The setup.bat file is used to add the perl bin directory to the path and to add shortcuts to launch the PerlConsole application.  Setup.bat is a perl script that can be easily customized and extended.

a). Extract the zip file to the installation directory, e.g c:\indigoperl, or to a temporary folder.
Unziping to the installation folder will save a copy step.
b). Run setup.bat from an explorer or dos window.


2. Discussion section slides


3. A rather long but thorough Perl tutorial.


4. A short, instructive Perl tutorial.                            ******  NEW 9/8/01*******


5. A good summary of Regular Expressions.             ******  NEW 9/8/01*******


6. Some sample scripts for learning regular expressions in Perl:


7. An-online dictionary of Perl commands:


8. Specifications for Assignment 0


9. Solution code for Assignment 0 (save as .pl)



(last modified on Tuesday, 09/11/01)

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