CS100M Fall 2000 Prelim 2 topics - Loops o repetition o accumulation o conditional update - User-Defined Functions o creating your own functions o function M-files o Variable passing o local vs global variables (scope) o error, warning o function functions (feval, eval, fzero, ezplot, ...) o returning multiple values o returning no values o basic recursion (a function calling itself) o nested functions o subfunctions o toolboxes - Random numbers o generating random numbers o generating random numbers within a given range - mod function o find the remainder - Strings o characters as ASCII codes o converting o num2str, str2num o comparing strings o concatenating strings - 2d-plots o line colors, line styles o multiple plots - Symbolic Math Toolbox o symbolic objects (syms) o solve o eval - Logical Arrays o isreal o find o () o logical function - 3d-arrays (from Section) o creating 3d-arrays o manipulating 3d-arrays o viewing the content - 3d-plots (from Section) o line plots (plot3) o surface plots (mesh, surface) o meshgrid - Cell Arrays o creating cell arrays o viewing the content o expanding cell arrays o cell arrays of strings - Structure Arrays o creating structures o adding/removing fields o nesting strucutre functions - Numerical Methods for solving equations o Lhs/Rhs o Bisection o Newton