Com S 100J Introduction to Computer Programming Grade: letter or S/U Fall 2003
4 credits Newsgroup: cornell.class.cs100j Instructor: David Gries

Quiz 02
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This quiz will be given on 16 September!!!

Reason for quizzes.

A course like CS100 uses a lot of terminology and introduces many new concepts. Typically, the terminology and concepts are used from the day they are introduced onward. If you don't learn them soon after they are introduced, you can't understand later lectures and material. So, each quiz alerts you to what is important for you to learn at that time (and forces you, hopefully, to learn it). We hope that you don't only superficially learn it but grok it. (If you don't know what grok means, bring up ProgramLive (the CD), open the glossary, and look at the entry for grok.

For quiz 02, you have to know the Key Concepts that are given in Sect. 1.4.6 of the text. You have to be able to write down those key concepts. Here is a list of them:

  • Class
  • Instance or object
  • Component: field and method
  • Procedure, function, constructor
  • New-expression
  • Class as a type
  • null

The way to learn these key concepts is to read them and then write them. First, copy them, while looking at Sec. 1.4.6. Then, put the book aside and try to write them without lookng at Sec. 1.4.6. Do this several times, until you know the key concepts.

In addition, given a class definition, you have to be able to draw an object of that class. For this, study Sec. 1.5.2, including Fig. 1.14. Look also at the class definition in Fig. 1.15 and an example of an instance of it in Fig. 1.16.