CS100J       Extra Lab 03. Drawing with Graphics   Fall 2003 


Name _____________________       Section time _______________        Section instructor ___________________

For those students who finish lab 03 early and want something else that is interesting, please do the following to learn about drawing with Graphics in a window on your monitor.

1. Listen briefly to activities (lectures) 1-5.6 and 1-5.6 --that is lesson page 1-5, lectures 5 and 6 on Graphics Windows-- in the ProgramLive CD.

2. Click on the "Labs" icon in the ProgramLive CD window --near the top. In the window that opens, click on "PGL-5. Drawing using Graphics". Then follow the directions. You will download a program (two files) from the CD, put them both in a new directory, and open both in DrJava.