CS100 Prelim 1 Survey

This survey is over; we will have another soon after Prelim 2.

What is your name (OPTIONAL)?

How stressed are you in general this semester?

How many hours per week on average are you spending on this class outside of lecture and recitation (and AEW)?

How was the pace of lecture up through Prelim 1?

Who was your primary recitation instructor up through Prelim 1?

How was the pace of recitation up through Prelim 1?

How helpful is the newsgroup?

How helpful is the website (excluding the online examples)?

How helpful are the online examples?

How helpful are the consultants?

How helpful was the Loops-and-Before Review Session on 2/6?

How helpful was the Prelim 1 Review Session on 2/13?

How helpful were the Prelim 1 Review Questions and their Solutions?

Was Prelim 1 a fair test of your knowledge and abilities?

When you are given a programming assignment, how confident do you feel that you will write the program correctly?

After you submit a programming assignment, how confident do you feel that your solution is correct?

How well do you think you could explain how a piece of your code worked to another student?

How successful are you at seeing connections between previously solved programming problems and new problems?

How helpful is it to you to work with others when solving a programming problem?

When you are introduced to a new programming concept or structure, how quickly are you able to begin using that concept and/or apply it in your own programs?

Please also give us comments and suggestions on how to improve various aspects of the course, e.g. Lewis&Loftus, JavaLive, Exercises, Projects, Stress, Lecture, Recitation, Online Examples, Newsgroup, Website, Consultants, Office Hours, Tutoring, Review Questions and Solutions, Review Sessions, Prelim 1, CodeWarrior, availability of machines in the public labs, this online survey.

(Note: Although the Confirmation page generated when you Submit does not auto-wrap, please be assured that we do get your responses auto-wrapped.)